剑桥雅思7Test4阅读Passage3原文翻译Effects of Noise

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剑桥雅思7Test4阅读Passage3原文翻译Effects of Noise

#剑桥雅思7Test4阅读Passage3原文翻译Effects of Noise| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

剑桥雅思7Test4阅读Passage3原文翻译Effects of Noise

2023-05-25 09:26:45 来源:中国教育在线

剑桥雅思7Test4阅读Passage3原文翻译Effects of Noise,今天中国教育在线就来为大家分析这个问题。

Effects of Noise


剑桥雅思7 Test4 Passage3阅读答案解析


对应原文:第1段:yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially‘too quiet’

答案解析:根据题干中sleeping in the mountains定位到这句话。前文中确实提到了人们更喜欢安静,因此排除A。B选项和C选项都找不到对应的地方。D选项说人们已经适应了城市中的噪音。其中adapted与adjust对应,a higher noise level与too quiet对应,由此确定答案。


对应原文:第1段:Glass and Singer(1972)exposed people…but after about four minutes the subjects were doing just as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise.This article is from Laokaoya website.Their physiological arousal also declined quickly to the same levels as those of the control subjects.



对应原文:第2段:But there are limits to adaptation and loud noise becomes more troublesome if the person is required to concentrate on more than one task.



对应原文:第3段:We are much more able to‘tune out’chronic background noise,even if it is quite loud,than to work under circumstances with unexpected intrusions of noise

答案解析:原文中提到,即使声音很大,我们也能够屏蔽长期的背景噪音,但来自 无法在不可预测的噪音下文章来自 雅思工作。题干中intense与loud对应,circumstances与background对应,空上要填个noise的修饰词,由此确定答案为B unexpected。


对应原文:第3段:others heard the same amount of noise overall,but the bursts occurred at random intervals(unpredictable noise).

答案解析:根据random定位到这一句。原文中提到,其他人听到总量相同的噪音,但频率随机(不可预测)。由此确定答案为D the same amount of。


对应原文:第3段:all subjects performed at about the same level during the noise portion of the experiment

答案解析:原文中提到,在实验噪音部分中,所有受试者的表现都处于几乎相同的水平。由此确定答案为F Performed at about the same level as。


对应原文:第3段:As shown in Table 1 the unpredictable noise produced more errors in the later proofreading task than predictable noise

答案解析:原文中提到,不可预测噪音这一组在校对中犯的错误要比可预测噪音这一组更多。由此确定答案为I made more mistakes than。


对应原文:第4段:Apparently,unpredictable noise produces more fatigue than predictable noise



对应原文:第1段:Glass and Singer(1972)exposed people to short bursts of very loud noise…The noise was quite disruptive at first

答案解析:原文中提到,Glass and Singer将人们暴露于阵阵巨大的噪音之下。噪音一开始很具有干扰性。题干中的difficult to concentrate与disruptive同意替换,其他基本原词出现,由此确定答案。


对应原文:第6段:A follow-up study showed that children who were moved to less noisy classrooms still showed greater distractibility one year later than students who had always been in the quiet schools(Cohen et al,1981)

答案解析:根据题干中a year later定位到最后一段的这句话。原文中提到他们的注意力仍然更容易分散,对应题干中changes in behaviour,由此确定答案。


对应原文:第5段:Another is control.If the individual knows that he or she can control the noise,this seems to eliminate both its negative effects at the time and its after-effects(Glass and Singer,1972)

答案解析:根据题干make it stop与control的对应定位到这句话,由此确定A为答案。


对应原文:第3段:soft,unpredictable noise actually produced slightly more errors on this task than the loud,predictable noise.



对应原文:第2段:high noise levels interfered with the performance of subjects who were required to monitor three dials at a time(Broadbent,1957)

答案解析:根据three tasks at the same time与monitor three dials at a time的对应定位到这一句,确定答案为B。


对应原文:第2段:Similarly,noise did not affect a subject’s ability to track a moving line with a steering wheel,but it did interfere with the subject’s ability to repeat numbers while tracking(Finkelman and Glass,1970).

答案解析:根据repeat numbers定位到这一句,后面明确标有人名,很容易确定答案为C。

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